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A blog... ignored

Okay, I admit my guilt. I have TOTALLY neglected my blog. It is so sad. When I realized it today I had a little tear.

BUT in my defense, I haven't been resting on the old laurels. (Where does that saying come from anyway? Hold on... Ah here ... well now I rethink the usage of that...)

ANYWAY! I have been hard at work. We had the crazy stretch of Jewish holidays and in between, I had my 10 year high school reunion. Then in addition, I started working at Level 3 Telecommuncations twice a week. It is an internship in the BMG marketing department and really fascinating. Not my total cup of tea, but I am learning so much.

AND I have been writing, I know, shocking! (Yes, I write a blog but I do claim to not be a writer.) Check out the article I wrote on College and Faith for Patheos. I spend so many days reading fabulous Jewish articles and finding content for Patheos as well as coming up with social networking strategies and ways to enhance our SEO. Recently, I have been editing video. I forgot how much I enjoy that.

And I volunteer. I am the Chapter Advisor for the University of Colorado at Boulder chapter of Gamma Phi Beta. I love working with these women and advising them. Recently I took on the commitment to meet and take out for coffee or ice cream every new member this semester... there are 83 of them. So, yeah... I've been busy.

What haven't I been doing? Dating. Kinda bums me out and I'd like to do more of that but it's hard to find that right person right now in Denver. I'm afraid to settle. But also... I just don't have time to commit to looking or dating. Sad but true. I will refocus energies on that later. :)

But I have been hanging with some super cool Jewish chicks and I enjoy that. And I will be snow boarding this winter which is fun too.

Anyway, that's my update. I think I will try to be better with this blog. I really enjoy it... when I remember it... :)

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